Platform Lift
Reliability Assured

Kleemann Lifts
Platform Lifts are used for basic mobility where normal traction lifts cannot fit in either due to constraint of size or non-availability of pit depth and headroom space.
Platform Lifts occupy smaller space and adapts to building constraints.
Platform lifts can be either Traction, Hydraulic or screw and nut mechanism but must confirm to European standard EN-81-41.
Less Headroom Requirement: 2600 mm
Less pit Requirement: 100 mm
Less space required: Smallest footprint among all types of Elevator and fits into smallest spaces.
Multiple Side entrances: Lift can open in different directions at different floor levels
Cantilever Installation: Only one side wall is required for installation.
No Hung Loads: No Counterweight
Easy Rescue mechanism.
Extremely Robust and Reliable.

Machine on Rear